The Golf World
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You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!
Exercises For Golf Strength Can Be Done In Your Home
By Mike Pedersen
Exercises for golf strength improvement are not done with machines you see in most of the gyms. In fact, exercises for golf can be done to improve your strength without any machines at all!
What that means is a golf strength training program can be done with minimal golf training equipment and in the convenience of your home...saving you time and money!
The types of exercises you should focus on are golf swing oriented. What I mean is they break up the swing into phases, and you apply resistance via tubing, medicine balls or even dumbbells to improve golf specific strength.
Secondly, most of these exercises for golf strength should be rotational in nature, just like your golf swing. Why would you do a regular crunch (straight up and straight down) when the golf swing is rotational? You wouldn't.
You also want to do as many exercises for golf that incorporate your golf posture body position. This will indirectly strengthen all your golf stabilizing muscles for a "rock-solid" golf swing!
I could go on and on in this article, but I'll be covering in more detail this topic in future articles. Either way...I want you to get going right now! Do something to improve your game right this minute!
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is an Internationally recognized golf fitness trainer and author. He is Golf Magazines golf performance expert, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf performance membership sites. Take a look at his best selling []Golf Fitness Strength System at his []golf strength training site -
More Info On Weighted Golf training Clubs
Golf Equipment
Keep them clean � The grooves on the club head aren't there for decoration only. They help propel and spin the ball when you hit it. If the grooves are clogged with dirt, it will affect the way the ball spins and flies in the air. Hang a club-cleaning brush to your bag and use it often. It also helps to have a small, damp towel for cleaning the club heads after each swing.
Carry your golf clubs with distinction with a new TaylorMade golf stand bag!
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Control Your Distance. A proper divot is taken just beyond impact, but it should be shallow. Shallow divots allow you to hit your clubs consistent distances, while deep ones don�t.
Necessities: First-Class Travel Bag. Be sure to check out Club Glove�s Last Bag�it�s indestructible. A Portable GPS Unit. These impressive devices are reliable and easy to use. Some even allow you to measure your drives.
Improve your golf putting with the right golf training aids.
When you want to get some extra distance out of your drives, it�s natural to think that your right or dominant hand (for right-handed golfers) should supply the power. In reality, however, maximum power is a result of a left-hand lead.
Find a great golf training aid and improve your game!
Golf Related News
Titleist Tour Report: Accenture Match Play Championship
Fri, 24 Feb 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Watch this week's Titleist Tour Report from the Accenture Match Play Championship, featuring defending champion David Toms.
Train with PGA TOUR Winner Charley Hoffman on “Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist”
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Learn strength and injury prevention exercises for the shoulders and ankles
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Labels: golf clubs clone | golf wedges | golf putters
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The Golf Beginner Guide is an eBook filled with info for the beginning golfer. Get it today!
The Golfing Machine
By: Chuck Evans, G.S.E.D.
This process is multi fold
Learn what YOUR neutral grip is
The CORRECT ball position for every club
The CORRECT swing shape
How far back YOU can take the club
How to play within YOUR style
You will have many options to choose from and we'll show you how to find the ones that will work for you. Once you have all of your "components" you won't need to experiment any longer!
While this may be obvious to some you would be surprised by the number of people that work on their swing without starting with their grip. There is a neutral grip for any golfer! That grip is where YOUR arm hangs down from the shoulder socket and the angle of YOUR target side hand. It makes no difference whether you use an overlapping, interlocking, and ten-finger (baseball) grip. What IS critical is the angle the club lies in your hand.
To find YOUR neutral grip, first take your address position, but without a club, and let both arms hang downward from the shoulder sockets with NO TENSION. Most golfers will find that their target side arm hangs somewhere between the middle of the target side thigh to the inside of the thigh (depending on the width of stance and/or the width of the chest). As you look down at your target side hand pay attention to the angle it hangs. Some of you will see two knuckles of the hand, some will see three, and some may even see four. It doesn't matter how many you see! Whatever the number, this is YOUR bodies way of telling you its natural tendency and that is the neutral angle for YOUR grip! When you place your target side hand on the club it should be at the same angle you just saw.
The club then runs diagonally from between the first and second joint of the index finger to the base of the pinkie finger. Close the fingers and then close the hand with the heel pad on top of the shaft with the thumb to the backside of the shaft. This supplies pressure from the heel pad downward and the last three fingers exert pressure upward. Then take the lifeline of the trailing hand, located between the thumb and heel pads, and place it on the thumb of the target side hand. The lifeline against the thumb exerts the pressure here; the right forefinger should be separated, in a "triggering position", but with no pressure. It is important to understand that the forefinger and target side thumb both be on the same side and angle of the shaft for the best support. The trailing thumb should be on the target side of the shaft. You never want the thumbs to exert any pressure. Finally, in order for the hands to work together, they must be parallel to each other.
Regardless of the player's level of golf anyone can get into a posture that looks as good as any Tour Player, it takes no athletic ability to get into a proper posture! For full swing shots, other than a Driver, the inside of the heels should be as wide as the outside of the hips (for a Driver the inside of the heels as wide as the outside of the shoulders). Push the hips sockets back and up so that the pelvis is at an angle, not horizontal to the ground. As you push the hips back, and up, this will lower the chest and place the weight toward the back of the arch of the foot. Simply unlock your knees, you'll feel a little pressure above the kneecaps, and let the arms hang limply downward from the shoulder socket. There should be NO TENSION in the arms or shoulders. Some players like to tilt their upper bodies slightly away from target as the final set-up adjustment and just because your trailing hand is lower than the target side hand this is acceptable, just don't overdue it. Now you have YOUR grip and posture.
Ball position is the most misunderstood portion of the entire set-up. There have been many opinions about ball position. Some say one position for every shot, others say move it around depending on the club. All of the guesswork is taken out however if the golfer would set the club at address as the manufacturer designed it. All clubs, except for the Driver, are designed so that the grip end of the club is ahead of the clubhead if soled properly, this means the shaft leans forward, not vertical or backwards! If you address the ball, with say a 5 iron, and the shaft is vertical then even before you swing you've added loft and turned it into a seven iron! That same 5 iron is designed to have approximately 8 degrees of forward lean at address. The best players in the world, using that same 5 iron, have upwards of 15 degrees at Impact! This turns it into a 3 iron! Having said that you have the option of setting up to the ball with the shaft vertical as long as you can get into the proper Impact position�the shaft leans forward at Impact!
The player also has the "option" of starting with the shaft, and hands, at a mid-body position. We also need to cover where the ball is located in relation to the player's upper body, not the feet. The width of the stance changes during the course of a round but the width of the upper body does not. In addition, the target side shoulder socket is the low point of the arc and the fulcrum of the target side arm swing. Therefore the ball with a wedge will be in the center of the chest, in line with the sternum, for full swing shots, the 5 iron under the target side of the chest, and the Driver at the low point, which is the shoulder socket. This could vary depending on whether the player has exceptionally wide shoulders, but for the most part these locations will be fine for irons but the target side shoulder socket IS the LOW POINT and the Driver MUST be played at this location for straight shots! Back of this location produces a fade, with no manipulation, and forward of this location produces a draw, with no manipulation. You may see some players playing the ball back, or forward, of the target side shoulder socket but these players must either change the shoulder location at Impact, by leaning backward with the upper body, or must manipulate the clubface to hit a straight shot.
As you take your grip you must be sure the leading edge of the clubface square. The leading edge is the edge closest to the ball. Always set the clubface first, perpendicular to the target line, then set your feet, knees, hips, eyes, and shoulders parallel to the target line.
THESE LINES ARE PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER! NEVER AIM YOUR BODY AT THE TARGET! What is the object of golf? To get the ball in the hole with the fewest strokes as possible! To aid in alignment it is imperative that you utilize a procedure called an "Intermediate Target". The intermediate target is something between the ball and the target. It could be a piece of discolored grass, an edge of a divot, a broken tee, etc. It should be within your peripheral vision, so that you don't have to lift your head.
Because we play golf on an Inclined Plane this dictates that the club MUST move on an arc. That means the club head is only on the base on the Plane Line approximately 2 inches during the swing! It also means that the club always moves in 3 dimensions. The Backstroke dimension is backward, upward, and inward all simultaneously and On Plane. The keyword for Backstroke is "BACK". The hands and arms control the backward and upward movement of the club. Therefore, if you did not make a shoulder turn the clubhead WOULD NOT move inside the baseline. The shoulder turn moves the club inward, NOT back and up. So if the player just turned their shoulders, without any hand or arm movement, then the club would be inside but not back and up. These two movements MUST work together to achieve the proper sequence. The trailing forearm moves the club on Plane by "tracing" the Plane. The bending, and folding of the trailing elbow also raises and lowers the club and cocks and uncocks the target side wrist. Never raise the arms and club by lifting from the shoulders sockets!
The Downstroke dimension is downward, outward, and forward. Once the player has reached full extension (follow-through) then the club moves again upward, inward, and backward. This completes the 3 dimensional swing.
What does this term mean? Simply put, length of arc means how far back YOU can take the club. Some players may be able to take their hands high above their heads in the backswing while others can only get their hands to shoulder height, or less. It doesn't matter! However far you can take the club and still maintain structure is the end of YOUR swing! You can increase your length of arc by increasing your range of motion. (see your local physical therapist for exercises to increase your range of motion).
Before every shot you play there must be a sequential order of events. First of course we have to find our golf ball. Once the ball is located we then must examine the type of lie we have, the distance to the target, the shot shape desired, the wind conditions (if any), how we're feeling that particular day, whether to play aggressively or conservatively or somewhere in between (this depends on our style), and finally choosing the correct club for the type of shot. We can't call this a "pre-shot routine" because there is nothing routine about a golf shot! There are always factors to be decided and these factors constantly change. So we would encourage you to use the phrase "PRE-SHOT". Pre-shot may or may not include a dress rehearsal of the swing, a practice swing. During the practice swing you're getting a feel for the mechanics involved in hitting the shot and visualizing the ball flight.
Once we have gone through our pre-shot we now start the initial mechanical and mental programming procedures. Approach the ball from behind and follow this order for success. Verify these six Impact Alignments.
Clubface to Target Line
Grip to Clubface
Hands to Ball
the Plane Angle
Pressure Points
Position of the Trailing Forearm
Balance, Grip, and Plane Line MUST be verified before EVERY shot!
Now we're ready to start the backstroke.
Once address is completed we can start the backstroke. As discussed earlier, this involves two separate movements. These movements are controlled from the waist up. The lower body should be moved by the upper body if the player is flexible enough, if not, then allow it to move freely in both directions.
The hands and arms � the vertical plane
The shoulders � the horizontal or inclined plane
At this point we would like to remind you that Address and Impact are NOT THE SAME! The only thing that has not changed is the ball position.
You may use any backstroke procedure you choose and there are basically three to choose from.
A one piece takeaway�Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods
A two piece takeaway�Ernie Els, David Duval, Karrie Webb, Anika Sorenstam
A three piece takeaway�Raymond Floyd, Nancy Lopez
Choose anyone you wish that feels comfortable and natural. What initiates the backstroke? Ask ten different instructors and you will get ten different answers. Some player's feel it starts with turning the shoulders, some feel it may be the hips, and still others think and feel it's the hands. We believe it is a combination of the hands, trailing forearm, AND shoulder turn that start the backstroke. Earlier we talked about the role of the hands, arms, and shoulders during the backstroke. They absolutely must work together and synchronous if the club is to stay on plane!
As the club starts back the clubhead must point at the base of the plane line until the clubshaft reaches parallel to the plane line and horizontal to the ground. As the club starts upward then the butt of the club must point at an extension of the base of the plane until it reaches the top of the swing. If you can't get the clubshaft to parallel, then the butt of the club Must point to the base of the plane line. If you are one of the few that can get the shaft to parallel, then it should be parallel to the base of the plane line.
The hip sequence (how the hips move) for full swing shots is always the same. They Turn, Slide, Turn. A great majority of players think the hips slide in the backstroke (shifting weight). While this certainly is an option it eliminates creating any rotating force of the body. A better procedure would be the one described above and is the option that the majority of the world's best players use.
One of 17 Teaching Professionals worldwide to hold the designation of "Doctorate Golf Stroke Engineering". Director of Instructor Training & Education for The Golfing Machine
Hints About Golf Swing Aids
The overall contour of the green can be assessed from 50-100 yards out. It's a fact that a ball will roll away from mountains and towards the ocean; so if there is a hill near the green the ball will roll away from it. If there is a lake near the green the ball will roll toward it.
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Experiment With Golf Balls. Don�t just go out and buy the model that that your favorite Tour pro uses. There are tons of outstanding golf ball models available that cost less, last longer and go farther.
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To start with a proven ball position. Moving a golf ball even two inches forward or back in your stance can make a great deal of difference in shot consistency. Start with the ball a couple of inches inside the left heel. After you master this consistent ball position, you can experiment with other ball positions. However, a ball too far to the front of your stance will increase the chances of a slice by encouraging an outside-to-inside swing. A ball too far back in the stance will make it difficult to get the clubface closed by impact and may cause a push or a push slice.
Find a great new golf grip online today
More Golf News
Special Report: Equipment
Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:00:00 GMT
The following Special Report on golf equipment was published in the March, 2006 issue of PGA Magazine. It has been reprinted with permission.
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Golf Gifts and Golf Grip Kits
by Gordon Petten
Gifts, as is known are matter of expressing intimacy and are exchanged without price. Golf gifts are no exception. Being a golfer when you think of gifting something to anyone the first thing which will come to your mind will surely be the golf gift. Usually golf gifts are given to potential young golfers to encourage them to play more and more golf.
You have to choose perfect golf gifts for these young beginners considering their style. You have plenty of golf articles and accessories to choose from. To name some of golf gifts they are golf clubs, golf irons, golf bags, golf knickers, classic ball case etc. IN the succeeding paragraphs we will elaborate on importance of each golf gift.
In my opinion golf books are the best golf gifts for beginners. A beginner learns lot of things about game and adds to his/her knowledge of the game by reading golf books
Next come golf lessons. These lessons help potential beginners to decide whether he/she really wants to take the game or he/she likes the golf or not. Golf lessons, golf books and CDs/DVDs are excellent golf gifts for beginners.
Many beginners start playing golf with hired or borrowed golf clubs. Usually, golf clubs are considered as matter of personal choice. However, one may not be willing to purchase expensive golf clubs at the beginning. For such people first set of golf club is considered as best gift amongst other golf gifts. Remember to present these golf clubs in a golf bag.
There are number of golf accessories available in markets which as categorized as golf gifts. Golf gloves, ball markers and tees, though some what expensive, are nice golf gifts. Depending to you affordability and intimacy to the person you are going to present golf gifts you may like to present a full set of golf starter kit to a potential beginner.
Golf balls are also the popular articles for presenting as golf gifts. Beginners are not concerned about the type, compression and construction of these golf balls. You can choose golf balls personalizing with nickname, name or customs logo of the beginner. Only disadvantage of gifting such golf balls is that if the ball is lost the person to whom you have gifted it may get upset.
Golf shoes are other option from the golf gifts. Golf shoes are basic requirement for playing golf. Choosing a right shoe that will be fitting and providing comfort to the person you are gifting is not an easy task. Remember you have alternate option of gift certificate. Instead of presenting golf shoes as golf gifts, present a gift certificate and allow him/her to purchase shoes of his/her choice.
Golf courses are considered to be one of the expensive ventures of sports due to their fees structure. To avoid such expensive venture, driving ranges are considered to be best alternative. Presenting a membership of driving range may be the best among golf gifts for a beginner.
Ball tokens, golf gift certificates and 10 bucket pass are the other golf gifts available. Golf gifts are considered to be a motivating factor for beginners.
Golf Grip kits are a common phenomenon amongst golfers. Golfers are always choosy about their golf grip kits. Golf grip kits consist of tape, instruction book and a CD or DVD containing photos about use of golf equipments. Usually, golf grip kits are provided with golf irons and golf grips. Golf grip kits provide you all information like specification, maintenance guide and instruction about the handling of the equipment. Golf grip kits are of utmost importance for the beginners are they get the required information of golf equipments through these golf grip kits.
Golf Gifts and Golf Grip Kits
More Information On Golf Swing Aids
Eyes And Arms-On the putting green, the eyes and the forearms should be parallel to the target line at address. This will encourage the putter to track on the proper path without manipulation during the stroke. If the eyes and/or the forearms are misaligned, it�s impossible to make a putt without compensating during the stroke.
Find cheap golf balls online today
When it comes to choosing a golf ball for the day keep in mind things like the temperature. If it's cold out, the ball will not compress as much, so you would want to play a 90-compression. (there are two compressions for men, 90 and 100.) Vice-versa if it's hot out
Find great new Strata golf balls online today
Every golfer knows that if you are playing a shot into the wind, you must hit more club. If you're playing a shot with the wind, you must hit less club. Even professionals have a difficult time playing in the wind. The average score in a tournament is always higher when it is windy. news
Headline News About Golf
Adam Scott Delivers Signature Performance in TOUR Championship Victory.
Mon, 06 Nov 2006 00:00:00 GMT
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The Golf Beginner Guide is an eBook filled with info for the beginning golfer. Get it today!
Beginners Guide To Buying A Set Of Golf Clubs
By: Jason Griffin
You walk in to a golf store and there are hundreds of woods, irons, wedges and putters to choose from along with clothing, balls and all kinds of accessories. When just starting out in golf, choosing a set of clubs can be an overwhelming task. What is one to do? What decisions need to be made when buying a set of golf clubs? This article aims to help you know what you need to know, so you can make the right call and save you a little dough in the process.
First, you need to know what makes up a set of clubs? Well there are four main parts to a set of clubs: Woods, Irons, Wedges, and a Putter. These days you also have the Hybrid Clubs. These are a cross between irons and woods. People who have trouble hitting their long irons, such as a 2 or 3 iron, tend to use these types of clubs instead. You are allowed up to 14 clubs in your bag and they can be in just about any combination you want. For example, in my bag I carry a Driver, a 4 wood, 3 thru 9 irons, pitching wedge, gap wedge, sand wedge, lob wedge and a putter. This arrangement of clubs fits my game and the types of courses I usually play.
Next, what options are out there when buying a set of golf clubs? To start out with you can buy new or used. Used can be a money saver over new, but can also come with some inherent problems, such as, worn grips, cracked shafts and other problems. When you are buying a first set, these are not things you want to deal with. So, I would recommend going the new route.
Now that you have decided on purchasing new clubs, the next option is buying a complete set or putting one together. Putting a set together yourself will be the more expensive option over buying a complete set. Also, getting a complete set takes much of the hassle and intimidation out of the decision making process.
As a beginner, you should buy a complete starter set. This will usually include a Driver, 3 wood, 5 wood, 3 thru 9 irons, a pitching wedge and a putter. Some may even include a sand wedge and a golf bag. This is only 11 or 12 clubs you say! What else should I get? Don't worry about this now. As you improve then you can think about adding another wedge, a 2 iron or a hybrid of some sort. Until then you are just wasting your money. You would be better off spending your coin on some lessons and improving your swing. Remember, expensive clubs won't help you play any better. Why spend $300.00 on a Driver when you can spend less than that and get everything you need to play except golf balls in one package. A complete set is a great way to save some money in the beginning, since you're going to be spending enough cash replacing a lot of those lost golf balls.
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Collectible Golf Equipment
Yes, golf lessons are expensive. But some are more expensive than others. Generally, the more expensive instructors are the ones with more experience, more accolades and who are attached to a more upscale golf facility. But there are lots of teaching pros out there who are less expensive but still very good. Decide how much you are willing to spend before you start shopping, and stick to it.
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The target is not always the center of the fairway or green. To setup the next shot the target could be to the left or right of the fairway. Ball flight differs between players. If a player fades his tee shot, the target would be to the left of center of the fairway. If he draws the ball, the target would be right of center.One good point here is to always aim away from trouble on the course whenever possible. If there is trouble on the right, tee on the right side of the teeing area. Do the opposite if the trouble is on the left. In other words,tee the ball on the side the trouble is.
...Golf Week
The Truth About Impact
Looking at the two pictures below, there's no doubting the differences between the proper address and impact positions. But while the correct impact position is obviously extremely important, it's impossible to isolate this one moment of the swing through manipulation. Instead, you have to understand and apply the proper mechanics to create the correct �look� and feel at impact. It's no coincidence that a proper-looking impact position tends to create solid shots.
...Golf Tips magazine
Try for a relaxed and comfortable feel. A tight grip will hinder your rhythm and release. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands point between the chin and right shoulder.
Find a training aid to learn the correct golf grip today!
Today's Golf News
Special Report: Equipment
Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:00:00 GMT
The following Special Report on golf equipment was published in the March, 2006 issue of PGA Magazine. It has been reprinted with permission.
Mon, 04 Aug 2008 00:00:00 GMT
Two Weeks, Two Wins for New 909 Driver
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Labels: golf accessories
The Latest Golf Article
You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!
Mixing Tradition and Development at the Ballybunion Golf Club � The Old Course
When it comes to the ideal golf vacation spots in Ireland, the Southwest area is riddled with amazing golf courses filled with great links and stunning views. In these parts you will see Ireland's most sought after golf course all eager to line up for some tee time, the Ballybunion Golf Club, particularly its old course.
Many popular names in the world of golf have experienced the wondrous allure of Ballybunion and have continually used it as a warm up course to unwind and relax before The Open. Names like Jack Nicklaus, Nick Faldo, Tiger Woods and Tom Watson has registered in its log book and has provided great reviews and comments to this wondrous and mesmerizing Irish golf vacation spot.
Being the millennium captain of the Ballybunion Golf Club, Tom Watson said that it is one of the best and most beautiful tests of links he has played in, having played there since 1981.
Here in the old golf course, you will find very challenging links where the winds are constant factors and the land is surrounded by the captivating view of the Atlantic.
Opened in August 18, 1893, the Ballybunion Golf Club has had its shares of ups and downs. In its early days, the Ballybunion Golf Club did not enjoy the popularity it does today and has fallen into financial oblivion. Its first 8 years reeled the course to its all time low and was soon revived only by the changing of the officers of the club.
As more developments and land links were laid out, the reputation of the Ballybunion Golf Club grew and grew. By 1926, the course had plans to extend to a full 18 holes, barely a year after, those plans were realized. Its national level of recognition started in 1932 when the Irish Ladies Championship was held there. Five years after, Irish Mens Close Amateur Championship followed suit.
Its first most significant level of competition came at 1957 when the course was chosen as the venue for the Irish Professional Championship. Soon after, waves of other competitions and golf organizations recognized its high quality links and have given it high accolades.
After more than 60 years, the Ballybunion Golf Club finally got the recognition it so rightly deserves and things were never quite the same. Golfers now come in droves from all over the world to experience what the lucky Irish people have had for more than a century now. The Ballybunion Golf Club would always be recognized as Ireland's greatest golf vacationing spot.
But aside from its majestic and amazing rolling dunes, and the mesmerizing backdrop set by the Atlantic Ocean, the tradition and culture that has made Ballybunion Golf Club what it is today is what keeps the people coming in.
Plus, it has world class amenities that can cater to the needs of so many golfers from all over the world. There you would find a newly built clubhouse that has a dining room that can seat 120 persons, two bars and some very relaxing lounge areas. There is also a Pro Golf Shop that carries every golfing needs that you may have. Also, being a championship golf course, you will be able to find some practice facilities such as; Putting Greens, A Sand Bunker Practice facility, Driving Range, and a Chipping Green.
Ballybunion Golf Club is located at Sandhill Road., Ballybunion, Country Kerry, Ireland. For the greatest golf vacation spot in Ireland, this is a century old choice for the pros.
Find a great golf training aid or a great golf swing aid today!
Hints About Clone Golf Clubs
Get New Grips That Fit-New grips can soup up your clubs, and your game, overnight. But make sure you get ones that fit�grips that are too big encourage slicing.
Find a great new clone golf club online today
The trajectory of a golf ball and the distance it travels depends on its initial trajectory, speed and spin, as well as what it's moving through (air). The air is not always the same. It varies in temperature, pressure, humidity and density. If there were no air whatsoever, the golf ball would not travel far. Likewise, if a ball is hit in air with no spin, it will not travel far.
...The Golf Channel
Add More Wedges-It�s easier to fill distance gaps with new wedges than with tons of practice.
Find a great new golf driver online today
Kneework-The right knee should remain flexed, but it must rotate on the backswing to allow the hips to complete their turn. When done properly, this allows the weight to work into the right heel.
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Headline News About Golf
Brand Ambassadors
Mon, 11 Sep 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Adam Scott Edges Ernie Els in all-Titleist Playoff at Singapore Open
What Your Junior Golfer Needs
Thu, 20 Oct 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Dr. Greg Rose, board certified Doctor of Chiropractic and cofounder of the Titleist Performace Institute, offers tips for parents of junior golfers.
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Featured Writer
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
Learn How To Swing A Golf Club The Right Way
Just about everyone who takes up golf begins to look for information on
how to swing a golf club at some time or another. And it's perfectly understandable, since swinging a golf club is so vital to scoring well in the game of golf. Each and every person tries to find the perfect golf swing for him or her.
Of course, even that last sentence makes it all sound very easy. And for some people it is. Some people have a natural affinity to swinging a golf club. For others, it almost becomes an annual quest for the next 30 years as they strive to improve their golf swing and their golf game. Recognize yourself in either case?
It's important to remember that the basic golf swing can be broken down into individual sections. You have the backswing, you have the downswing, there is the impact moment and there is the follow through of the shot. Some people can put together all of these various components very easily. Others have to study each and every section and work hard to put it all together into one fluid motion. Then there is a factor of the pre-shot routine. Some people have a tendency to dally over the ball, take a few swings, back away, get set up again and then go through the whole routine a different way on each and every shot. And then they wonder why they have no consistency. accomplished golfers and PGA professionals in specific, have very set pre-shot routines that they do exactly the same way on every shot. And their pre-shot routine's are usually very quick and not at all a long drawn out affair that you see Sunday golfers engage in.
One of the best things we have today to help someone learn how to swing a golf club properly is the video. We can now watch each and every golfer from our Tiger Woods of today to Jack Nicholas and Bobby Jones of yesterday to see exactly how a golf swing should be performed. We are fortunate to be in such an era where the Internet can deliver video on demand for just about every pro golfer on the PGA Tour. We can see exactly how a golf club should be swung for optimum performance.
But simply watching golf videos may not be enough. In fact, for most people there is still the need to be shown the proper way to swing a golf club. Golf lessons are an invaluable tool. Proper instructions will show you how to hold your hands in the proper grip, the proper stance and set up as well as how each and every section of the golf swing should work. Golf videos can then help you to SEE how it all goes together. And if he can't afford golf lessons, or perhaps only one or two, then instruction books can be an invaluable tool. You can read how to perform each and every part of the golf swing and then again used golf videos to see how it all goes together. An example of a great instructional e-book is Gene Littler's "Master The Golf Swing". Littler won 29 PGA Tour events and had an incredibly beautiful swing.
Combining free videos from the internet with a few wisely spent dollars on the proper golf knowledge will do wonders for your golf swing and your game. Ignoring the wise path to success will only see you continue to drive the ball left and right instead of straight down the fairway. The decision is all up to you.
About the author
Don't hesitate to buy your copy of Gene Littler's
How To Master The Golf Swing.! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
More Info On Golf Putting AidPost impact, your head will follow the rest of your weight to the left side. You don't want to hang back through the entire shot and snap your spine in half, or at least finish in a reverse-C. Just remember that a good impact position will make it easier for this natural head movement to happen.
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When it comes to choosing a golf ball for the day keep in mind things like the temperature. If it's cold out, the ball will not compress as much, so you would want to play a 90-compression. (there are two compressions for men, 90 and 100.) Vice-versa if it's hot out
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Today's Golf News
Excellence Loves Company
Mon, 13 Mar 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Luke Donald Tops Honda Classic Leaderboard that Features 14 Titleist Players Among the Top 15 Finishers
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All The News About Golf
The Latest Golf Article
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
Learn How To Swing A Golf Club
how to swing a golf club properly is the Holy Grail for any golfer. Beginners usually start out by having someone show them how to do it. But even longtime golfers are often watching their friends or asking others for tips on how they do it. Then try to apply what they see or hear. In a nutshell, everyone is looking for the perfect way to swing a golf club.
And for some people, learning how to swing a golf club and swinging it well becomes a very simple task. For others it becomes a very difficult task, finding it difficult to understand how you can keep your arms "straight" and still feel natural, swinging a golf club and driving the ball any distance at all. Anything sound familiar here?
It's important to remember that the basic golf swing can be broken down into individual sections. You have the backswing, you have the downswing, there is the impact moment and there is the follow through of the shot. Some people can put together all of these various components very easily. Others have to study each and every section and work hard to put it all together into one fluid motion. Then there is a factor of the pre-shot routine. Some people have a tendency to dally over the ball, take a few swings, back away, get set up again and then go through the whole routine a different way on each and every shot. And then they wonder why they have no consistency. accomplished golfers and PGA professionals in specific, have very set pre-shot routines that they do exactly the same way on every shot. And their pre-shot routine's are usually very quick and not at all a long drawn out affair that you see Sunday golfers engage in.
Of course, for some people it still becomes very difficult to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Fortunately for us today we have videos. We have videos of modern-day golfers like Tiger Woods or Ernie Els and we have video images of Jack Nicholas, Arnold Palmer, Ben Hogan and Bobby Jones. We can actually sit and watch exactly how they swing a golf club and try to emulate it.
And if you add in a few golf lessons and use the videos to piece it all together, you can improve your golf swing and your golf game amazingly fast. And if you can't afford a few golf lessons, you can always use the valuable golf books that are available to give you the gist of the golf swing and then use the videos to help you put it all together. Each and every golf pro can become like your personal tutor. One of the best golf e-books I've ever seen is one put out by Gene Littler. Littler won 29 PGA Tour events and had an incredibly beautiful swing. His swing is another one you can see on videos on the Internet- it has been termed one of the best ever by his contemporaries. Today Gene is helping people learn his golf swing by electronically publishing "Master The Golf Swing".
Combining free videos from the internet with a few wisely spent dollars on the proper golf knowledge will do wonders for your golf swing and your game. Ignoring the wise path to success will only see you continue to drive the ball left and right instead of straight down the fairway. The decision is all up to you.
About the author
Buy your copy of Gene Littler's eBook How To Master The Golf Swing and learn
how to swing a golf club the right way! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
Hints About Golf ClubsThe overall contour of the green can be assessed from 50-100 yards out. It's a fact that a ball will roll away from mountains and towards the ocean; so if there is a hill near the green the ball will roll away from it. If there is a lake near the green the ball will roll toward it.
...US Golf Association
To check your clubhead angle practice the hit and hold drill. This will give you immediate feedback in determining whether the clubface is preceding the hands at impact. Hit a few balls and hold, not allowing your hands to go past waist high on the follow-through. If the left wrist or hand is bent forward this indicates the clubhead was ascending rather than descending at impact. Final note: You cannot cheat this drill, as it will clearly show you where you are at in regards to your angle of approach on your golf swings.
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Titanium Fairway Woods
If you've ever taken a golf lesson, then you know most instructors will take a golf swing analysis by video taping your swing. From there they will pin point one or two areas to work on. The trouble with this technique is most of us will only take one or two lessons per season, play a good round or two then we're back into our old habits. The teacher isn't there all the time to refer to when we have questions, not to mention taking any more then a couple of lessons each year can break the bank in a hurry.
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Headline News About Golf
New Season of Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist Premieres on The Golf Channel
Mon, 11 Jul 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Second season begins July 11th with the first of 10 new episodes for 2005
Thu, 29 May 2008 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist is also the Top Choice Across Every Major Equipment Category at Men’s Championship
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Today's Golf News
Our Latest Golf Article
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
How To Swing A Golf Club Like A Pro
Have you been having problems with your golf swing? Are you a beginner just starting out? Or are you a long time player who just can't seem to get it right? No matter who you are, learning
how to swing a golf club properly is imperative to playing the game well enough to really enjoy it.
For some people the golf swing seems to be a natural thing. Golfers who've played a lot of baseball seem to be able to transfer that swing to the golf course and are very successful. Hockey players who have practiced the slapshot for years, are also able to transfer that motion to a successful golf swing. For others, nothing seems to work. The perfect golf swing seems to be a dream that is unattainable. Which one are you?
The golf swing can be broken down into various sections. There is the backswing, the downswing, the impact and the follow-through. Each of these can and has been analyzed to try and find the perfect swing for each and every golfer. But then, there is also such a thing as a pre-shot routine, that's the sequence of events you go through before each and every swing. The really professional golfers do the exact same thing before each and every shot. They have their pre-shot routine down to a science and they follow it religiously. Quite often, the budding golfer or even the longtime duffer will continuously change their pre-shot routine almost daily looking for just that little extra secret or edge. Instead, they only succeed in messing up their golf swing and the whole thing starts all over again.
And whether you are just taking up golf, or been playing for some time, you should be aware that you have a tremendous tool to improve your golf swing in your golf game. I'm talking about the videos we can all watch today of golf professionals and how they play. And amazingly we also have on demand videos on the Internet that are absolutely free of great golfers like Tiger Woods, Vijay Singh or John Daly or past greats like Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Sam Snead, Walter Hagan or Gene Sarazen. Imagine being able to sit and watch how golfers, credited with having great golf swings, perform the task. Talk about a golden opportunity to learn.
And if you add in a few golf lessons and use the videos to piece it all together, you can improve your golf swing and your golf game amazingly fast. And if you can't afford a few golf lessons, you can always use the valuable golf books that are available to give you the gist of the golf swing and then use the videos to help you put it all together. Each and every golf pro can become like your personal tutor. One of the best golf e-books I've ever seen is one put out by Gene Littler. Littler won 29 PGA Tour events and had an incredibly beautiful swing. His swing is another one you can see on videos on the Internet- it has been termed one of the best ever by his contemporaries. Today Gene is helping people learn his golf swing by electronically publishing "Master The Golf Swing".
Combining free videos from the internet with a few wisely spent dollars on the proper golf knowledge will do wonders for your golf swing and your game. Ignoring the wise path to success will only see you continue to drive the ball left and right instead of straight down the fairway. The decision is all up to you.
About the author
Don't hesitate to buy your copy of Gene Littler's
How To Master The Golf Swing.! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
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The club is indirectly tied to the shoulders, therefore shoulder movement will determine the direction the club will travel.
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Kneework-The right knee should remain flexed, but it must rotate on the backswing to allow the hips to complete their turn. When done properly, this allows the weight to work into the right heel.
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Today's Golf News
Super Ball Sunday
Mon, 05 Feb 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Baddeley Rallies to Win FBR Open Playing New Pro V1x Golf Ball
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