Our Featured Golf Article
This is the secret you've been searching for. The
Golf Swing Secret...get it today!
The Basis of Golf
By Chuck Evans
The basis of golf begins with an understanding of what exactly must happen in a good golf stroke. I call this, "The Basis Of Golf."
Good golf MUST comply with the laws of force and motion. We obey these laws everyday of our lives without even knowing it. When you get up out of bed, jump into your car, open a door eveything we do is in full compliance with these laws.
1. Three parts of a Golf Club
1. Clubshaft
2. Clubface
3. Clubhead
2. Three Major Concepts of the Golf Stroke
1. Inclined Plane - Clubshaft
2. Hinge Action - Clubface
3. Centrifugal Force - Clubhead
3. Three Essentials For a Good Golf Stroke
1. Steady Head
2. Balance
3. Rhythm
4. Three Imperatives For a Good Golf Stroke
1. Flat Left Wrist at Impact
2. On Plane Club Shaft
3. Club Head Lag
5. The Principle of the Golf Game -
Line of Compression:
Hitting the ball from the inside of the target Line toward the outside of target with a Flat Left Wrist
6. Three Dimensions of the Golf Stoke - (on an Inclined Plane)
1. Downward
2. Outward
3. Forward
Once you have recognized and incorporated the above into your golf stroke you WILL start hitting the ball farther and straighter.
Chuck Evans is one of only 31 Teachers in the world to hold the designation of "Doctorate in Golf Stroke Engineering", he is one of the most highly sought after instructors in the world not only by players but other teachers as well and is known as the Teacher of Teachers!
You can reach Chuck through his Golf Academy in Mesa Arizona by calling 480.862.6544, by email at [mailto:chuck@chuckevansgolf.com]chuck@chuckevansgolf.com
Tips About Beginners Golf training Aids
Golf Car
What do the numbers on the ball mean? It's one way to ID your ball, especially if you don't mark it, because someone else in your foursome may use the same type ball. (If you use Brand X number 1 and your friend uses Brand X number 2, each of you will have some way to identify which one is whose).
Carry your golf clubs with distinction with a new Titleist golf stand bag!
The putting stroke that is best depends upon the individual. So try them all deciding which is best for you. Shoulders controlling: With the wrists in a locked position and with the shoulders and arms working in unison control, the club throughout the stroke.
...World Golf
Hitting the ground before the ball, or "fat shots" is a very common problem that can lead to injury. This is caused by either coming into the ball too steeply, and/or decelerating the club head as you hit the ball. Proper weight shift is important and keeping your right shoulder back on the downswing (opposite for left handers) is crucial. There is a tendency to throw the right shoulder ahead as you come down creating an outside in steep club path. Focus on swinging more around your body to remedy this. A good drill is to strap your upper arms to your body and hit balls. This makes it impossible to throw the shoulder forward. Don't forget to accelerate through the ball. When you slow down at the bottom of your swing, you will hit it fat every time.
Find a great new golf head online today
Don�t Neglect Your Clubs-There�s nothing wrong with throwing your clubs in the trunk after a round, but make sure they get properly cleaned on a regular basis.
Find a great new gap wedge online today
Headline News About Golf
Tour Players Talk About the New 905R Driver
Thu, 02 Mar 2006 00:00:00 GMT
See what Titleist staff players Davis Love III, Adam Scott and Zach Johnson are saying about the New Pro Titanium 905R driver.
The Hacker: The curse of the shank shows how easy it is to drift off course
Sun, 15 Jun 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>Our assistant pro swears that we have a shanking virus sweeping through the club – and just to prove it, he had one in a big tournament last week, and he's never shanked in his life before.</p>
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All The News About Golf
Featured WriterThe Secret To A Better Golf Game
By Mike Pedersen, CPT
A better golf game is achievable by any golfer. It doesn't matter what your age is, how good a player you are or how long you've been playing. But the key to a better golf game may not be what you think.
The standard approach to a better golf game is taking lessons; buying more equipment; and hitting hundreds of golf balls at the range.
Although, the above approach is not altogether incorrect�there is one crucial missing element. That element is your BODY! You swing those fancy clubs; you hit all those balls at the range; and you physically participate in the aspect of taking lessons.
The common denominator is your body. Do you agree? If you dont, Id like to hear youre explanation of why not.
If you are following me, and think Im remotely correct, then why wouldnt you work on your body to play a better golf game?
Im constantly hearing golfers say theyve taken lessons, bought new equipment and pounded hundreds of balls but still have not seen improvement.
Thats the telltale!
That leaves just one thing�YOU.
Dont get me wrong�I firmly believe you need an understanding of golf swing technique, and golf equipment can help. But pounding balls just for the sake of doing it wont help you play a better golf game.
Now picture this.
You do a few simple stretches and golf exercises daily and go out to play. You now realize you can make a bigger backswing with less tension; you have more clubhead speed enabling you to hit longer drives; and you are not worn out on the back nine.
Isnt that worth the minimal investment in your time?
To play a better golf game�youve got to take a different approach than what you are currently doing. One that gets to the root of the problem. The one thats causing those mishits and inconsistencies.
You will be amazed at your outcome if you take this approach. You will finally play a better golf game.
About The Author
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness swing trainers in the country; Golf Magazines expert at GolfOnline.com; author, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.
More Info On Golf Wedges
Sometimes it's hard to stop your mind playing tricks during a round of golf. You think, "If I make this shot I've only got an easy putt to make a birdie". That's when things go wrong. You need to stay in the present. I do this by focusing on something like a red shirt in the crowd or a really beautiful tree. That might sound funny but it makes you think what is happening right now. Not what went before or what is going to happen.
...BBC golf
Buy Some Long Tees
Your new driver will be easier to hit.
...Golf Tips magazine
To achieve the goal of hitting the ball at the bottom of the swing arc. Your drives should be hit slightly on the upswing, iron shots are struck slightly on the downswing. Fairway woods are hit at the bottom of the swing arc.
...PGA of America
Today's Golf News
LPGA Star Laura Diaz Demonstrates How to Get Back in Shape Following a Hiatus, on the Next ''Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist''
Mon, 25 Jun 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Featured Golf Article
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
How To Swing A Golf Club Properly
how to swing a golf club properly is the Holy Grail for any golfer. Beginners usually start out by having someone show them how to do it. But even longtime golfers are often watching their friends or asking others for tips on how they do it. Then try to apply what they see or hear. In a nutshell, everyone is looking for the perfect way to swing a golf club.
For some people the golf swing seems to be a natural thing. Golfers who've played a lot of baseball seem to be able to transfer that swing to the golf course and are very successful. Hockey players who have practiced the slapshot for years, are also able to transfer that motion to a successful golf swing. For others, nothing seems to work. The perfect golf swing seems to be a dream that is unattainable. Which one are you?
It's important to remember that the basic golf swing can be broken down into individual sections. You have the backswing, you have the downswing, there is the impact moment and there is the follow through of the shot. Some people can put together all of these various components very easily. Others have to study each and every section and work hard to put it all together into one fluid motion. Then there is a factor of the pre-shot routine. Some people have a tendency to dally over the ball, take a few swings, back away, get set up again and then go through the whole routine a different way on each and every shot. And then they wonder why they have no consistency. accomplished golfers and PGA professionals in specific, have very set pre-shot routines that they do exactly the same way on every shot. And their pre-shot routine's are usually very quick and not at all a long drawn out affair that you see Sunday golfers engage in.
Of course, for some people it still becomes very difficult to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Fortunately for us today we have videos. We have videos of modern-day golfers like Tiger Woods or Ernie Els and we have video images of Jack Nicholas, Arnold Palmer, Ben Hogan and Bobby Jones. We can actually sit and watch exactly how they swing a golf club and try to emulate it.
But keep in mind that these videos still needs to be used in conjunction with golf lessons. A few good golf lessons with a local pro and then a watching how the PGA professionals put it into effect, can do wonders to advance your game. But what about if you can't afford golf lessons? Well, there are a number of good books on the market that you can read and then watch how the pros apply it. One of the best e-books I've ever seen is one put out by Golf Hall of Fame legend Gene Littler. Littler had a fluid swing I could only dream about. If you don't believe me, you can find videos of this golf legend and see his amazing fluid golf swing for yourself. many have called his swing the best, or at the very least the second-best, golf swing of all-time.
Whatever you decide, use the advantages of video technology along with golf lessons or golf books to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Not spending time to get the fundamental down properly will impede your progress and make the game less enjoyable. Spend a few dollars targeted to the right knowledge and watch your golf scores drop instead!
About the author
Don't hesitate to buy your copy of Gene Littler's
How To Master The Golf Swing.! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
Tips On Golf Putting AidI guess there is nothing that will get your mind off everything like golf. I have never been depressed enough to take up the game, but they say you get so sore at yourself you forget to hate your enemies -- Will Rogers
...US Golf Association
I can�t tell you how many people come to my lesson tee and say, �If I could just get rid of my baseball swing, then all my problems would be solved!� My initial thought is always: I wish you had a baseball swing, because it would help you play better golf.
Find a great golf club and improve your game!
Today's Golf News
European Tour starts drug scheme
Wed, 02 Jul 2008 16:49:00 GMT
The European Tour's drug-testing programme starts and could be enforced at this week's European Open.
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Our Featured Golf Writer
If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook
Cork Golf Club: The Irish Augusta
Ireland's golf courses have been receiving many accolades in the past year and have even been regarded as one of the five best countries to golf in. Offering a variety of parkland and traditional link courses, you can pick blindly among the courses that dot the whole country and still get a great course to play in.
Many of these amazing golf courses have been the venue of international professional tournaments with its championship courses and great accommodations. The warm Irish welcome alone would make you feel right at home.
Its heritage in golf is unquestioned as a number of golf courses are "mature" dating back to the late 1800's. One of these is the Cork Golf Club in Little Island, Co. Cork. Established in 1888, the Cork Golf Club was redesigned in 1927 by the renowned golf course designer Dr. Alexander Mackenzie, who designed also other famous golf courses like the Augusta National, Royal Melbourne and the Cypress point to name a few.
Throughout the course you will see many mature trees and various patches of gorse growing and making the course look more natural. The estuary of the River Lee, Lough Mahon provides the scenic Background that stretches on almost the entire course. Cork's limestone quarry affects the course and provides a play that is similar links courses with its crisp heath like playing surface.
Like wine, the age of the Cork Golf Club has made it more palatable and more enticing to golfers. With finely manicured greens carpeting the par 72, 6,731 championship course, the Cork Golf Club course can offer the same if not better game play as any other premier golf course in Ireland and even the world.
But it's not only the golf course that makes the Cork Golf Club a success and a favorite. Its clubhouse and other facilities as well are world class and have been handed with accolades by many golf enthusiasts and experts.
In 2004 alone, the prestigious All Ireland Award for Clubhouse presentation was given to the Cork Golf Club. Its deluxe and top quality service restaurant has a full bar and top notch dining facilities with fantastic food as well. It is open seven days a week and offers a great way to end a day of playing golf. In the clubhouse you will also find their roomy and well-designed changing rooms that have fantastic facilities for both members and visitors.
A bit of stretching, practice and warm up before the game? The Cork Golf Club also has practice facilities like a perfectly maintained and manicured putting green as well as a practice ground for your swings. There you will also have the chance to rent some clubs and, caddy and golf carts as well.
Then you can just go their Pro shop if you want to buy some souvenir shirts, caps, bags that have the clubs logo on it. You may also purchase any equipment you need to play your game. There you may also be able to get the chance to talk to the club pro for some pointers or enroll in some short classes to get some tips to improve your game.
Many people have grown a passion for golf. This has led them to grow the need to play challenging games to test themselves. Make a vacation out of that need, golf vacation spots in Ireland are abound and one of this is the Cork Golf Club.
Find a great golf training aid or a great golf swing aid today!
More Information On Beginners Golf training Aid
The grip most certainly will influence the clubhead, but any type of grip that will keep the wrists from opening or closing the blade is a good grip regardless of how the hands grip the club. Whatever grip is chosen the thumbs should be on top. The thumbs are the feelers and being on top one can feel if the blade is square. Any stroke that holes the ball consistently is a good putting stroke. Regardless of the style of the stroke the putter head should never be taken to the outside of the target line on the backswing.
Find great new golf balls online today
Cheap Golf Equipment
Check Your Lofts And Lies
If you play a lot or practice off range mats, your irons and wedges need to be checked and adjusted every year.
Buy yourself a new golf stand bag today!
Playing The Game
Mechanical thoughts, especially during the backswing, have no place on the golf course. Swing issues and technical moves should be worked out on the practice range. On the course, focus on positive downswing thoughts like �accelerate through impact� and �finish with the right shoulder toward the target.� Avoid negative thoughts by visualizing the ballflight you're trying to produce, and swing with that image in mind. A consistent preshot routine helps.
...Golf Tips magazine
More Golf News
How Important is it to Have Confidence in Your Golf Ball?
Fri, 03 Feb 2006 00:00:00 GMT
We asked some of today's leading PGA TOUR pros how important it is for them to have confidence in their golf ball. Listen to Titleist golf ball players Mike Weir, Padraig Harrington, Jay Haas, Bart Bryant, Fred Funk, Chris DiMarco, and David Toms.
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Labels: womens golf clubs
Our Featured Golf Article
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
How To Swing A Golf Club - Mission impossible?
Just about everyone who takes up golf begins to look for information on
how to swing a golf club at some time or another. And it's perfectly understandable, since swinging a golf club is so vital to scoring well in the game of golf. Each and every person tries to find the perfect golf swing for him or her.
Of course, even that last sentence makes it all sound very easy. And for some people it is. Some people have a natural affinity to swinging a golf club. For others, it almost becomes an annual quest for the next 30 years as they strive to improve their golf swing and their golf game. Recognize yourself in either case?
Eventually, every golfer begins to understand that there are various components to the golf swing. We have the backswing, the downswing, the shot impact and finally the follow-through. Some people can piece these together very smoothly, while others struggle with each and every bit, struggling to fit them all together. And then there is the added problem of the pre-shot routine. How often have you stood around while your golf partners become human rain delays? They have so many varied ways of approaching a shot that you're sure they're trying to invoke a black magic spell on the ball! Take a look at the PGA golf professionals. Take a look at their pre-shot routines. Brief. And consistent. Once they step up to take the shot, there is very little dalliance before the ball is headed down the fairway. That is the example to follow.
One of the best things we have today to help someone learn how to swing a golf club properly is the video. We can now watch each and every golfer from our Tiger Woods of today to Jack Nicholas and Bobby Jones of yesterday to see exactly how a golf swing should be performed. We are fortunate to be in such an era where the Internet can deliver video on demand for just about every pro golfer on the PGA Tour. We can see exactly how a golf club should be swung for optimum performance.
And if you add in a few golf lessons and use the videos to piece it all together, you can improve your golf swing and your golf game amazingly fast. And if you can't afford a few golf lessons, you can always use the valuable golf books that are available to give you the gist of the golf swing and then use the videos to help you put it all together. Each and every golf pro can become like your personal tutor. One of the best golf e-books I've ever seen is one put out by Gene Littler. Littler won 29 PGA Tour events and had an incredibly beautiful swing. His swing is another one you can see on videos on the Internet- it has been termed one of the best ever by his contemporaries. Today Gene is helping people learn his golf swing by electronically publishing "Master The Golf Swing".
Whatever you decide, use the advantages of video technology along with golf lessons or golf books to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Not spending time to get the fundamental down properly will impede your progress and make the game less enjoyable. Spend a few dollars targeted to the right knowledge and watch your golf scores drop instead!
About the author
Buy your copy of Gene Littler's eBook How To Master The Golf Swing and learn
how to swing a golf club the right way! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
Tips About Golf Putting AidA Portable GPS Unit-These impressive devices are reliable and easy to use. Some even allow you to measure your drives.
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Posture Not Perfect-Unless you�re young or unusually flexible, you�re not going to look like Tiger Woods at address. Stay relaxed rather than forcing your back straight.
Get the perfect golf grip and improve your golf game!
More Golf News
Train with PGA TOUR Star Camilo Villegas on “Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist”
Mon, 16 Apr 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Demonstrates the importance of stretching as part of his total body workout routine
Titleist Tour Report: Accenture Match Play Championship
Fri, 24 Feb 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Watch this week's Titleist Tour Report from the Accenture Match Play Championship, featuring defending champion David Toms.
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Latest Golf News
Our Featured Golf Article
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
Learn How To Swing A Golf Club The Right Way
With swinging a golf club so vital to playing a great game of golf, just about everyone eventually looks for information or lessons on
how to swing a golf club. For many it becomes a quest like the Holy Grail, finding the perfect golf swing.
For some, learning how to swing a golf club properly is an easy task. But for the vast majority, the golf swing becomes an elusive entity. They have it one day and then it's gone the next. They make a great shot on one hole, and the sky's the limit. The next hole brings a bad shot, and they want to twist the club into a pretzel! Ever happened to you?
No matter how you swing a golf club, the golf swing can be broken down into individual components. You have the backswing, the downswing, the impact of the club with the ball and the follow-through after the impact. Each and every one of these has to be done in a specific way for the shot to be successful. Many people struggle with fitting them all together smoothly. And then many people forget about the pre-shot routine, another aspect of the golf swing that is highly neglected. Take a look at all of your professional PGA golfers and you will see that they have a consistent and usually very brief pre-shot routine. Then visit your local golf course and watch the long drawn out affairs so many people engage in before they hit a golf ball. And if you watch long enough you'll actually see that most people never do the same thing twice. Unlike the golf professional, the duffer has a varied pre-shot routine both in time and method. Neglecting any aspect of your golf swing is a sure fire way to higher scores.
Of course, for some people it still becomes very difficult to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Fortunately for us today we have videos. We have videos of modern-day golfers like Tiger Woods or Ernie Els and we have video images of Jack Nicholas, Arnold Palmer, Ben Hogan and Bobby Jones. We can actually sit and watch exactly how they swing a golf club and try to emulate it.
But keep in mind that these videos still needs to be used in conjunction with golf lessons. A few good golf lessons with a local pro and then a watching how the PGA professionals put it into effect, can do wonders to advance your game. But what about if you can't afford golf lessons? Well, there are a number of good books on the market that you can read and then watch how the pros apply it. One of the best e-books I've ever seen is one put out by Golf Hall of Fame legend Gene Littler. Littler had a fluid swing I could only dream about. If you don't believe me, you can find videos of this golf legend and see his amazing fluid golf swing for yourself. many have called his swing the best, or at the very least the second-best, golf swing of all-time.
Whatever you decide, use the advantages of video technology along with golf lessons or golf books to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Not spending time to get the fundamental down properly will impede your progress and make the game less enjoyable. Spend a few dollars targeted to the right knowledge and watch your golf scores drop instead!
About the author
Buy your copy of Gene Littler's eBook How To Master The Golf Swing and learn
how to swing a golf club the right way! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
Tips About Weighted Golf training ClubShort practice sessions regularly are better than one long period. Practice, and good repetition, will teach your muscles to learn to feel - creating your own internal dialog from within that you, and only you, can describe to yourself.
...Golf Instruction Guide
Set up your shots correctly
You won't get very far in a car without knowing how to use its controls. And it's exactly the same for golf. It's really no more complicated than feeling comfortable and balanced over the ball. The first place to start is making sure you aim correctly. As a general rule, you should keep club face square to the target. The exception to this is when you are deliberately trying to hook or slice the ball. It should be square to your body - wherever you are in your backswing. Try stopping your club at a variety of positions in your swing. The most important thing to remember is that the club head should be square to your body at all times.
...BBC golf
Tee the Ball Higher. The old adage has always been that the top of the driver should be about halfway up the ball when it is teed up. However, with a 460cc driver, I like to see you set the ball high enough on a peg such that the top of the driver is no more than one-third of the way up the ball. Of course, this means that the standard 2 1/8-inch tee will not be long enough to accommodate. You will need a tee at least 3 inches in length, but likely a little longer than this.
...Golf Help
Today's Golf News
Montgomerie three back at French Open
Sat, 28 Jun 2008 16:30:08 EDT
SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES, France (AP) -- Spanish qualifier Pablo Larrazabal shot a 4-under-par 67 Saturday and held a three-stroke lead after three rounds of the French Open.

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Featured Golf Article
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
How To Swing A Golf Club Properly
One of the first things everyone wants to know when they first take up golf is
how to swing a golf club. And this is obviously a natural thing to know since...well, golf is played by swinging at a ball with a golf club!And so a great golf swing can mean a great game. Learning the perfect golf swing becomes a high priority.
For some people the golf swing seems to be a natural thing. Golfers who've played a lot of baseball seem to be able to transfer that swing to the golf course and are very successful. Hockey players who have practiced the slapshot for years, are also able to transfer that motion to a successful golf swing. For others, nothing seems to work. The perfect golf swing seems to be a dream that is unattainable. Which one are you?
It's important to remember that the basic golf swing can be broken down into individual sections. You have the backswing, you have the downswing, there is the impact moment and there is the follow through of the shot. Some people can put together all of these various components very easily. Others have to study each and every section and work hard to put it all together into one fluid motion. Then there is a factor of the pre-shot routine. Some people have a tendency to dally over the ball, take a few swings, back away, get set up again and then go through the whole routine a different way on each and every shot. And then they wonder why they have no consistency. accomplished golfers and PGA professionals in specific, have very set pre-shot routines that they do exactly the same way on every shot. And their pre-shot routine's are usually very quick and not at all a long drawn out affair that you see Sunday golfers engage in.
One of the best things we have today to help someone learn how to swing a golf club properly is the video. We can now watch each and every golfer from our Tiger Woods of today to Jack Nicholas and Bobby Jones of yesterday to see exactly how a golf swing should be performed. We are fortunate to be in such an era where the Internet can deliver video on demand for just about every pro golfer on the PGA Tour. We can see exactly how a golf club should be swung for optimum performance.
But keep in mind that these videos still needs to be used in conjunction with golf lessons. A few good golf lessons with a local pro and then a watching how the PGA professionals put it into effect, can do wonders to advance your game. But what about if you can't afford golf lessons? Well, there are a number of good books on the market that you can read and then watch how the pros apply it. One of the best e-books I've ever seen is one put out by Golf Hall of Fame legend Gene Littler. Littler had a fluid swing I could only dream about. If you don't believe me, you can find videos of this golf legend and see his amazing fluid golf swing for yourself. many have called his swing the best, or at the very least the second-best, golf swing of all-time.
Combining free videos from the internet with a few wisely spent dollars on the proper golf knowledge will do wonders for your golf swing and your game. Ignoring the wise path to success will only see you continue to drive the ball left and right instead of straight down the fairway. The decision is all up to you.
About the author
Don't hesitate to buy your copy of Gene Littler's
How To Master The Golf Swing.! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
Tips On Hybrid Golf ClubsNarrow Your Focus-Consistently making short putts is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. To help maintain concentration, find a blade of grass directly in front of the middle of the hole as you prepare to strike the putt. Don�t look at the hole itself or the back of it, but simply try to roll the ball over the spot on the front of the hole. Using the front of the hole makes the target closer and makes your focus that much more specific.
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The follow-through is the result of the prior body movements. After impact it's just a matter of releasing all tension and letting centrifugal force finish your swing. Centrifugal force will keep the clubface travel and clubface angle in the proper position. After the ball leaves the clubface there is nothing you can do that will affect the flight of the ball.
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I could ask ten players what starts the downswing, and I would get ten different answers. It has been said that golf is both an art and a science. "To know a thing by its parts is science: to feel it as a whole is art." It helps to understand the mechanics (Science) of a swing. It also helps to understand how to develop the feel (Art).
Find great golf videos online today
The clubhead should be descending at impact with the exception of the Driver and the Putter. What is meant by descending angle of approach?
...Learn About Golf
Golf Related News
Titleist Seeks to 'Reshape Your Game' with Launch of New Drivers
Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist 907D1: High Moment of Inertia for Long Distance with Forgiveness --
Titleist 907D2: Enhanced Moment of Inertia for Long Distance with Playability
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The Latest Golf Article
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
How To Swing A Golf Club
Have you been having problems with your golf swing? Are you a beginner just starting out? Or are you a long time player who just can't seem to get it right? No matter who you are, learning
how to swing a golf club properly is imperative to playing the game well enough to really enjoy it.
For some people the golf swing seems to be a natural thing. Golfers who've played a lot of baseball seem to be able to transfer that swing to the golf course and are very successful. Hockey players who have practiced the slapshot for years, are also able to transfer that motion to a successful golf swing. For others, nothing seems to work. The perfect golf swing seems to be a dream that is unattainable. Which one are you?
Eventually, every golfer begins to understand that there are various components to the golf swing. We have the backswing, the downswing, the shot impact and finally the follow-through. Some people can piece these together very smoothly, while others struggle with each and every bit, struggling to fit them all together. And then there is the added problem of the pre-shot routine. How often have you stood around while your golf partners become human rain delays? They have so many varied ways of approaching a shot that you're sure they're trying to invoke a black magic spell on the ball! Take a look at the PGA golf professionals. Take a look at their pre-shot routines. Brief. And consistent. Once they step up to take the shot, there is very little dalliance before the ball is headed down the fairway. That is the example to follow.
And whether you are just taking up golf, or been playing for some time, you should be aware that you have a tremendous tool to improve your golf swing in your golf game. I'm talking about the videos we can all watch today of golf professionals and how they play. And amazingly we also have on demand videos on the Internet that are absolutely free of great golfers like Tiger Woods, Vijay Singh or John Daly or past greats like Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Sam Snead, Walter Hagan or Gene Sarazen. Imagine being able to sit and watch how golfers, credited with having great golf swings, perform the task. Talk about a golden opportunity to learn.
Of course, videos are often not enough and golf lesson can be a tremendous benefit. Taking lessons from a golf professional and then watching how everything is implemented by the touring professionals can take your game a long way. Of course, not everyone can afford golf lessons, or at least not more than one or two. in that case, you can add something like an e-book that you can use to study and apply with your lessons and your videos. A book that has been highly recommended is one by golf Hall of Fame legend Gene Littler. He was nicknamed "Gene the Machine" due to his smooth rhythmical swing. Littler believed that, "Golf is not a game of great shots. It's a game of the most misses. The people who win make the smallest mistakes." A great philosophy and obviously the kind of teacher to help improve a golf swing and golf game.
If you do want to improve your game and learn how to swing a golf club properly, you would do well to use the available golf videos and other available help like golf lessons or golfing eBooks. Improving your abilties in the golf swing will do a lot to not only improve your game, but you will enjoy it a whole lot more. So, you can continue to drive your shots every which way and suffer or spend your money wisely and really learn how to swing a golf club properly. The decision is up to you.
About the author
Don't hesitate to buy your copy of Gene Littler's eBook How To Master The Golf Swing and learn
how to swing a golf club the right way! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
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Build An Athletic Platform. Developing a powerful and consistent golf swing always starts with the address position. Tension should be avoided at all costs. Instead, the setup should have a light and bouncy feel that gets you ready to move freely in an athletic way. Tension restricts the body from moving properly and requires the hands and arms to play too active a role in the swing. Rehearse your setup carefully, and your swing will improve
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Golf Equipment Putters
Blaming your moves, shots and swings for your golf mishits and mishaps? Well, no matter how much time and effort you have been spending over practicing your moves to perfect your game, you still won't achieve your goal if you use unsuitable or defective types of golf equipment, will you?
Buy yourself some new TaylorMade golf headcovers and protect your clubs today!
If you can�t seem to find the time to spend at the driving range and your backyard is too small to practice your golf swing, all hope is not lost thanks to virtual golf. Of course, this is not quite as satisfying as feeling the club strike the ball, but it may be a good solution between trips to the course. As the name suggests, you place a ball on the tee just like you would otherwise, but the ball will not travel outside a certain area. Or, you can opt for a net in which you can hit the ball except you will, obviously, have to hit the net each and every time.
...PGA of America
Golf Club Irons
Something important to keep in mind: You are under no obligation to buy your new clubs from the pro who gave you your clubfitting. It is perfectly OK to take the specs you've received and shop around for a better price. However, if you do this, make sure you have all the necessary data. The fitter should be able to provide you with every measurement needed.
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