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3 Important Golf Tips for Beginners
By: Dean R. Iggo
Starting in the game of golf can be confusing with all of the equipment available, people offering you free tips, and the feeling that you have to take everything so seriously. There are three golf tips for beginners that I was given by my instructor when I started, and that has really been a big help to me.
1. Don�t Break the Bank With Your First Set of Clubs
As a beginner, you are not going to get all of the benefits that come from a top of the line set of golf clubs. As a beginner, you are not going to have the consistent contact or club head speed needed. Instead, think about buying a cheaper set, or better yet, get yourself a used set. You may also be able to use a free set from one of your more experienced friends until you figure out which clubs would be best for you.
2. Be Aware of Who is Giving You Instruction
Your friends, relatives, and sometimes people who don�t even know you will think they have the golf tips for beginners that will fix all of your problems. Granted, if you have friends who are pretty good golfers, it may help to listen to them when you are first starting. However, to really understand the game, as a beginner, get your instruction from a professional. Golf pros are experienced in fixing swing problems and explaining things to you in terms of how they affect ball flight. Lessons are available at most any golf course, and even just a couple will really help set a good foundation for your game.
3. Enjoy Yourself
It may sound simple, but one of the best golf tips for beginners is to just have fun with the game. Keep in mind that you are probably not going to be getting your PGA card. Being competitive is fine, and of course you are going to want to continue to improve, but golf is a leisure game. Take your time out there and have fun with your friends.
These three golf tips for beginners can make all of the difference in the world. If you just get the right clubs to start, take instruction from those who know the game, and have fun, then golf will be a great way for you to spend your leisure time.
Dean R. Iggo is a golf enthusiast with a single figure handicap. He is also the webmaster of
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To develop the best possible grip for you. Every golfer swings and grips the club differently. Over 90 percent of golfers use the Vardon or overlapping grip. Players with smaller hands sometimes find the interlocking grip, with the little finger of the right hand interlocked with the index finger of the left hand, works best for them. Players with smaller should use a baseball type grip.
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